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The Georgia FinTech Academy, a collaboration between Georgia’s FinTech industry and the University System of Georgia, is a talent development initiative that informs learners about the specialized educational experiences needed to enter the FinTech sector regardless of where they live in the state or the college in which they enroll.

What is FinTech

Financial Technology, or FinTech, encompasses all of the “behind the scenes” operations that occur to make financial services more convenient. Every time you swipe a debit card, make a mobile bank deposit, pay a bill online, or send money to a friend, there are multiple FinTech companies working simultaneously to make those transactions possible.

Atlanta’s Transaction Alley

  • 70% of all credit, debit and gift card swipes are processed through a Georgia company.
  • Georgia’s FinTech industry has an estimated need for 5,000 FinTech-ready professionals by 2021, and 2,000 annually after 2023.
  • More than 15 million global card-enabled merchants rely upon Georgia companies.
  • Salaries for certain positions in this field can reach six figures just out of college!

(Sources: and

Future-Proof FinTech Careers

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App Development
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Fraud Prevention
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Data Analytics
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