Textbooks - Summer Semester

Swipe from left to right
2024 - Business Administration
Textbooks are subject to change. Pre-purchase of textbooks is encouraged, however it is recommended that students review the course syllabus to verify course materials before opening textbooks or content codes that may void the return policy.
Course Textbook Other


Accounting Principles I

Cengage Unlimited Subscription 9780357700037 4mon. Subscription
*Students may choose any subscription option. (Only Choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
8.5 X 11 Dry erase board with marker
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Accounting Principles II

Cengage Unlimited Subscription 9780357700037 4mon. Subscription
*Students may choose any subscription option. (Choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
8.5 X 11 Dry erase board with marker
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Intermediate Accounting I

Cengage Unlimited Subscription 9780357700037 4mon. Subscription
*Students may choose any subscription option. (Only Choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
8.5 X 11 Dry erase board with marker
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Intermediate Accounting II

Cengage Unlimited Subscription 9780357700037 4mon. Subscription
*Students may choose any subscription option. (Choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
8.5 X 11 Dry erase board with marker
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Intermediate Accounting III

Cengage Unlimited Subscription 9780357700037 4mon. Subscription
*Students may choose any subscription option. (Choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
8.5 X 11 Dry erase board with marker
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Cost Accounting

Cengage Unlimited Subscription 9780357700037 4mon. Subscription
*Students may choose any subscription option. (Choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
8.5 X 11 Dry erase board with marker
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Data and Analytics in Accounting

Title: Data and Analytics in Accounting
Author: Dzuranin
ISBN: 978-1-39-419298-4
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Internal Controls and Auditing

Cengage Unlimited Subscription 9780357700037 4mon. Subscription
*Students may choose any subscription option. (Choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
8.5 X 11 Dry erase board with marker
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Accounting Internship

No Textbook Required


Microcomputer Applications in Business

Title: New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2021 Comp
Author: Patrick Carey
ISBN: 978-0-357025765
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


The Environment of Business

Title: The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
Publisher: Flat World Knowledge
ISBN: 978-1-4533-8430-5
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Business Statistics

Title: Business Statistics
Author: Robert Donnelly
ISBN: 978-0-13-468526-7
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Quantitative Management

Title: Business Statistics Plus MyLab Statistics with Pearson EText
Author: Robert Donnelly
ISBN: 978-0-1352-29934
*eText with Access Card
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Communications in Business Environment

Title: Business Communication and Character
Author: Newman
ISBN: 978-0-3577-18131
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Business Finance

Title: Financial Management
Author: Brooks
ISBN: 978-0-1348-30162
*Hardcopy pkg with MyFinanceLab Access Code
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Business Finance

Title: Financial Management
Author: Brooks
ISBN: 978-0-1348-30162
*Hardcopy pkg with MyFinanceLab Access Code
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Business Practicum

No Textbook Required Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Principles of Macroeconomics

Title: Prin of Economics (loose pgs)
Author: Mankiw
ISBN: 9780357476802

Cengage Unlimited Subscription (4 month subscription)
ISBN: 978035770006

*Students have the option to select any of the listed Cengage Unlimited subscription lenngths ( only choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Principles of Microeconomics

Title: Prin of Economics (loose pgs)
Author: Mankiw
ISBN: 9780357476802

Cengage Unlimited Subscription (4 month subscription)
ISBN: 978035770006

*Students have the option to select any of the listed Cengage Unlimited subscription lenngths ( only choose 1)
ISBN: 9780357700044 / 1 year
ISBN: 9780357700051 / 2 years
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Introduction to Human Resource Management

Title: Human Resource Management: A Tool for Competitive Advantage
Author: Kleiman Lawrence
ISBN: 978-1-4652-1014-2
**any format is fine as long as it's the 6th edition
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


HR Staffing

Title: Strategic Staffing (LL)
Author: Phillips
ISBN: 978-1-948426862
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Labor Management Relations

No Textbook Required


Principles of Management

Title: Management
Author: Bierman
ISBN: 978-1-9420-41726
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Principles of Management

Title: Management
Author: Bierman
ISBN: 978-1-9420-41726
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Introduction to International Business

Title: International Business
Author: Hill Hult
ISBN: 978-1-2641-23889
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Organizational Theory-Behavior

Title: Organizational Behavior
Author: Robbins
ISBN: 978-0-13-747464-6
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Information System for Management

Title: Information Systems for Business and Beyond
Author: David Bourgeois
ISBN: CM: 1653577907728
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Strategic Management

BSG Value Pak + 4 Cases
13: MTC: 40873597
*GSW Bookstore Purchase Only
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Small Business Entrepreneurship

Title: Small Business Management: Launching & Growing...
Author: Justin G. Longenecker
ISBN: 978-0-357718803
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Principles of Marketing

Title: Marketing
Author: Grewal Levy
ISBN: 978-1-260-7174-33
**any format as long as it's the 8th edition
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Personal Selling

Title: Professional Selling w/connect Access (Custom)
Author: Hunt
ISBN: 978-1-265571856
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Marketing Communications

Title: Consumer Behavior Building Markeing Strategy
Author: Mothersbaugh Hawkins
ISBN: 978-1-260100044
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Sports Marketing

Title: Sports Marketing
Author: Fetchko Roy Clow
ISBN: 978-1-138-03984-1
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8


Marketing Management

Title: Essentials of Marketing Research
Author: Hair Ortinau Harrison Celsi Bush
ISBN: 978-1-260260465
Title: Online Access Card
Author: Proctor U
ISBN: 978-0-9962839-0-8
*Textbooks subject to change as needed.
2024 - Criminal Justice
Textbooks are subject to change. Pre-purchase of textbooks is encouraged, however it is recommended that students review the course syllabus to verify course materials before opening textbooks or content codes that may void the return policy.
Course Textbook Other

SJUS 3000

Introduction to Social Justice

Open Educational Resources

SJUS 3050

Politics of Social Justice

Open Educational Resources
*Textbooks subject to change as needed.
2024 - Organizational Leadership
Textbooks are subject to change. Pre-purchase of textbooks is encouraged, however it is recommended that students review the course syllabus to verify course materials before opening textbooks or content codes that may void the return policy.
Course Textbook Other

COMM 3330

Advanced Communication Skills

Open Educational Resources

ENGL 3405

Professional and Technical Writing

Open Educational Resources

HADM 4301

Designing Health Communication Messages

Open Educational Resources

HADM 4401

Health Care Compliance

Open Educational Resources

OATC 3700

Desktop Publishing

Open Educational Resources

OATC 4810

Contemporary Skills

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 1100

Leadership in a Global Society

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 2050

Communications for the Wrkplce

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 2601

Introduction to Public Administration

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 3000

Reflective Seminar I: Self as Learner

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 3050

Reflective Seminar II: Self in Context

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 3200

Introduction to Organizational Development

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 3400

Technology for Organizations

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 4000

Reflective Seminar III: Transforming Self, Self-Transformation

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 4690

Organizational Leadership Capstone

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 4900

Organizational Internship

Open Educational Resources

POLS 3201

Public Policy

Open Educational Resources

POLS 4200

Principles of Public Administration

Open Educational Resources

POLS 4204

Public Finance

Open Educational Resources

POLS 4215

Management of Nonprofit Organizations

Open Educational Resources

POLS 4217

Grant Writing for Nonprofit Organizations

Open Educational Resources

POLS 4218

Project Management in the Public Sector

Open Educational Resources

POLS 4219

Public Human Resource Management

Open Educational Resources

SJUS 3000

Introduction to Social Justice

Open Educational Resources

SJUS 3050

Politics of Social Justice

Open Educational Resources
*Textbooks subject to change as needed.
2024 - FinTech Academy
Textbooks are subject to change. Pre-purchase of textbooks is encouraged, however it is recommended that students review the course syllabus to verify course materials before opening textbooks or content codes that may void the return policy.
Course Textbook Other

FTA 3200

Data Visualizations & Analytics

Optional Text:
Title: SAS Visual Analytics for SAS Viya
Author: SAS Institute Inc.
Publisher: SAS Institute
ISBN: 9781952365119 9781952365096 9781952365102 9781952365133

*Students will create a free account with SAS Viya a cloud-based application. View the course syllabus for more information.

FTA 3810

Payment Processing

Title: Payments Systems in the U.S.: A Guide for the Payments Professional
Author(s): Carol Coye Benson Scott Loftesness Russ Jones
Publisher: Glenbrook Press
Edition/Year: 3rd edition (August 8 2017)
ISBN: 0982789742

FTA 3850

Digital Payment Security

Open Educational Resource

FTA 4001

Foundations of Fintech

Open Educational Resource

FTA 4002

Financial Technologies

Open Educational Resource

FTA 4003

Commercial Banking and FinTech

Title: Bank 4.0: Banking Everywhere Never at a Bank
Authors: Brett King
Publisher: Wiley Publishing
Edition/Year: 1st Edition/2018
ISBN-13: 978-1119506508

Open Educational Resource:
Money and Banking by Robert E. Wright and Vincenzo Quadrini

FTA 4005

Intro Financial Data Analytics

Open Educational Resource

FTA 4100

Introduction to Information Security for FinTech

Title: CompTIA Security+ All-in-One Exam Guide
Author: Wm. Arthur Conklin & Greg White
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Edition/Year: 6th Edition/2021
ISBN-13: 978-1260464009
ISBN-10: 1260464008
*Textbooks subject to change as needed.
2024 - Information Technology
Textbooks are subject to change. Pre-purchase of textbooks is encouraged, however it is recommended that students review the course syllabus to verify course materials before opening textbooks or content codes that may void the return policy.
Course Textbook Other

ITW 1130

Introduction To IT

Title: Computing Technology for All
Publisher: zyBook
ISBN: 978-1-394-06589-9
URL: https://www.zybooks.com/catalog/computing-technology-for-all/

ITW 1430

Web Page Development

Title: Basics of Web Design HTML5 & CSS3 Fifth Edition
Author: Terry Felke-Morris
ISBN: 9780135225486
Publisher: Pearson
URL: https://www.pearson.com/store/en-us/pearsonplus/p/9780137313303.html

Title: JavaScript: The Web Warrior Series. 6th Edition. Course Technology.
Author: Vodnik Sasha & Gosselin Don
Publisher: Cengage
Copyright: 2015
URL: https://www.cengage.com/c/javascript-6e-vodnik-gosselin/9781305078444/

ITW 2333

IT Infrastructure

No book required.

ITW 2430

Data Programming I

Title: Python for Everybody
URL: https://www.py4e.com/book

Exploring Data In Python 3
URL: http://do1.dr-chuck.com/pythonlearn/EN_us/pythonlearn.pdf

ITW 2530

Operating Systems

No textbook. Free OER will be provided

ITW 2531

Introduction To Cyber Security

Title: Computer Security Fundamentals 4th Edition 2020
Author: Charles (Chuck) Easttom
Printed or E-Book is acceptable.
ISBN-13: 978-0135774779
ISBN-10: 0135774772
URL: https://www.pearson.com/us/higher-education/program/Easttom-II-Computer-Security-Fundamentals-4th-Edition/PGM2598912.html

ITW 3133


Title: The Basics of Digital Forensics: The Primer for Getting Started in Digital Forensics 2nd Edition
Publisher: Syngress 2014
ISBN-13: 978-0128016350
ISBN-10: 0128016353
URL: https://www.amazon.com/Basics-Digital-Forensics-Getting-Started-dp-0128016353/dp/0128016353/

ITW 3231

Data Communications

Title - Computer Networking: a top-down approach (8th Edition)
Authors: James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross
Publisher: Pearson
Year: 2021
ISBN: 9780136681557

ITW 3233

Database Design Implementation

Title: Database Management 8th (or 9th) Ed.
Author: Hoffer J. M. Prescott and F. McFadden. Modern
ISBN-13:978- 0132212113
ISBN-10: 0132212110
URL: https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Database-Management-Jeffrey-Hoffer/dp/0132212110

ITW 3234

Syst Acquis Design & Implement

Title: Systems Analysis and Design 12th Edition Cengage Learning
Author: Scott Tilley
ISBN-13: 978-0357117811
ISBN-10: 0-357-11781-6

ITW 3350

Fund of Info Systems Security

Title: Fundamentals of Information Systems Security 4th ed
Author: David Kim and Michael G. Solomon
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

ITW 3432

Analytics Programming

Title: Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney 2nd edition 3.8 Version
Publihser: Anaconda Python
URL: https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual
Jupyter notebook for IDE (all software items used in the course are free)

ITW 3531

Digital and Computer Forensics

Title: The Basics of Digital Forensics: The Primer for Getting Started in Digital Forensics 2nd Edition
Publisher: Syngress 2014
ISBN-13: 978-0128016350
ISBN-10: 0128016353
URL: https://www.amazon.com/Basics-Digital-Forensics-Getting-Started-dp-0128016353/dp/0128016353/

ITW 4130

IT Issues and Management

Title: Information Technology for Management: Driving Digital Transformation to Increase Local and Global Performance Growth and Sustainability Enhanced eText
Author: Efraim Turban Carol Pollard Gregory R. Wood. Description: 12th Edition
Publisher: Hoboken NJ: John Wiley & Sons 2021
ISBN: 9781119702900 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-119-70291-7 (epub)
*Includes bibliographical references and index.

ITW 4336

Network Security

Title: Network Security Firewalls and VPNs 3rd Edition
Authors: Stewart Jones & Bartlett Learning

ISBN Options:
Print bundle - physical textbook and lab access code: ISBN13: 9781284184624
E-textbook bundle including lab access code: ISBN: 9781284184655
Lab access code only (just in case the student purchased the book from a 3rd party): ISBN: 9781284183702

Students must purchase one of the three options. Please check the course syllabus for more details.

ITW 4336

Ethical Hacking

Title: CEH Certified Ethical Hacker All-in-One Exam Guide Fourth Edition
Author: Matt Walker
Publisher: McGraw Hill
ISBN-10: 126045455X

ITW 4530

Senior Capstone Project

No textbook required.
*Textbooks subject to change as needed.
2024 - RN to BSN Columbus State University
Textbooks are subject to change. Pre-purchase of textbooks is encouraged, however it is recommended that students review the course syllabus to verify course materials before opening textbooks or content codes that may void the return policy.
Course Textbook Other

NURS 4698

Senior Project Rn

Open Educational Resources
*Textbooks subject to change as needed.
2024 - RN to BSN Common Courses
Textbooks are subject to change. Pre-purchase of textbooks is encouraged, however it is recommended that students review the course syllabus to verify course materials before opening textbooks or content codes that may void the return policy.
Course Textbook Other

NURS 3197

Professional Nursing Practice

Open Educational Resources

NURS 3297

Nursing Research Application

Open Educational Resources

NURS 3397

Health Assessment

Open Educational Resources

NURS 4497

Community Health Nursing

Open Educational Resources

NURS 4597

Leadership & Management

Open Educational Resources
*Textbooks subject to change as needed.
2024 - Workplace Interpersonal Relationships
Textbooks are subject to change. Pre-purchase of textbooks is encouraged, however it is recommended that students review the course syllabus to verify course materials before opening textbooks or content codes that may void the return policy.
Course Textbook Other

COMM 3330

Advanced Communication Skills

Open Educational Resources

ORGL 3200

Introduction to Organizational Development

Open Educational Resources
*Textbooks subject to change as needed.

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