LEAS 4220 - Administrative Law


The study of laws governing administrative agencies of government. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of the paralegal in dealing with various administrative agencies.

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate an understanding of how and why agencies are created by Congress.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic legal principles governing all agencies by analyzing the workings of particular administrative agencies.
  • Correctly identify and discuss various procedures through which agencies make policy including investigations and subpoenas, rulemaking and adjudication.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of key elements of judicial review of agency action, of the reasons for frequent challenges to agency action via the courts, and of the procedure through which courts evaluate agency action.
  • Analyze the impact of agency actions and policies in specific cases addressing controversial and vital issues such as homeland security, public health, climate change, and others

Credit Hours

Organizational Leadership


  • LEAS 1100

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