HRMT 3390 - Employment Law


The current status of legal statutes and issues in human resource management is analyzed. Emerging issues and trends are explored.

Learning Objectives

  • Determine if workers qualify as an organization's employees or independent contractors, and explain what that distinction means to the organization.
  • Communicate basic knowledge of Title VII including what is prohibited and who is covered by it.
  • Describe legislation and federal acts related to diversity issues and explain how they impact an organization's human resource policies.
  • Analyze situations for possible hostile environment threats and make accurate recommendations to either remediate or prevent hostile environment.
  • Evaluate selection, performance appraisal and compensation systems for potential disparate impact and/or disparate treatment issues, and make appropriate recommendations regarding defense and/or remediation.
  • Create a defensible anti-harassment policy and implementation plan.
  • Distinguish between legal and ethical treatment of workers and explain the impact of failing to treat workers legally and/or ethically.
  • Analyze employee retirement packages to ensure compliance with ERISA and the OWBPA.

Credit Hours

Business Administration


  • MGNT 3600, may be taken as a corequisite.

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