HADM 3301 - Health Care Organizations


This project based course is intended for those interested in a systematic understanding of organizational principles, practices, and insights pertinent to the management of health service organizations. While based on organizational theory and research, the emphasis is on the application of knowledge. Students will go beyond the traditional focus of health care in hospitals and other provider organizations to include suppliers, buyers, regulators, public health and financing organizations, and examine a more comparative global perspective of how the United States and other countries address issues of health and health care. Case studies, practical scenarios, and controversial issues are highlighted in each chapter to challenge the student to provide solutions and philosophical positions on a variety of issues.

Learning Objectives

  • Comprehend the scope of organizational theory and practice in the healthcare management industry
  • Discuss the distinctive challenges facing healthcare organizations globally
  • Analyze multiple organizational approaches from different perspectives
  • Understand the roles of leaders and managers in influencing organizational culture, performance, and change
  • Identify core leadership and managerial methods
    • Motivating people
    • Guiding teams
    • Designing teams
    • Coordinating work
    • Communicating effectively
    • Exerting influence
    • Resolving conflict
    • Negotiating agreements
    • Improving performance
    • Managing innovation and change
  • Describe the managerial implications of several emerging trends and issues such as:
    • The growth of strategic alliances in the health sector
    • The expansion and complexity of health law and regulation
    • Health information technology
    • The rise of consumerism in health care
    • The global interconnectedness of health systems

Credit Hours

Organizational Leadership


  • None

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