POLS 3601 - Political Science Methods II


This course helps students understand the process and components of research methods in social sciences, especially in political science. It covers topics such as empirical research, research question, hypotheses, research design, data collection, data analysis, and ethical issues in conducting research. It focuses on practical examples and skills by which students can develop, design, and conduct empirical research.

Learning Objectives

  • Determine the nature and extent of the information needed to conduct research by developing a clear and appropriately narrow research focus that is in accordance with the requirements of the assignments;
  • Identify, distinguish among, and locate a variety of types of sources relevant to political science research and will accurately identify the main ideas and arguments in the texts they have selected for use in their research projects, evaluating them for reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness, point of view or bias, and restate them in their own words;
  • Create and carry out a formal research design, constituent with generally recognized standards in political science, choosing among different methodologies, and effectively integrate information from the materials they have located;
  • Communicate their research findings clearly and coherently into their research projects in the form of quotations and paraphrases to support their main points;
  • Cite sources correctly using appropriate format.

Credit Hours

Organizational Leadership


  • POLS 1101

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