Student Guide

Computer Support

Since eMajor courses are online, access to a personal computer is recommended. Students are advised not to depend on computers located in campus computer labs, libraries or other public locations. These computers may not have all the proper hardware, and software one needs to access eMajor courses. eMajor courses are delivered in a course management system called GoVIEW. Part of this section will explain the basics of GoVIEW and where to get help if needed.

This section will provide information on the following:

Technical Requirements

Having a correctly configured computer is critical to success in an eMajor course. To ensure that a computer meets all the necessary technical requirements for hardware and software, please visit Technical Requirements.

Overview of GoVIEW

eMajor courses use GoVIEW as the learning management system. To use GoVIEW, students will need to remember basic login procedures including the appropriate website (, the student’s assigned username and the corresponding password. Students will receive a welcome email to their campus email account up to 2 weeks before classes begin with more information about login procedures.

Need help using GoVIEW?

eMajor Helpdesk
Provides assistance with login issues, registration, and/or course support. Available:

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 8:00pm
  • Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

678-839-6400 or Toll Free 1-855-9EMAJOR

USG D2L Help Center
The USG D2L Help Center provides an online knowledge base of common questions and issues faced by GoVIEW users and is updated frequently. For issues not covered in the online knowledge base, students may contact the USG D2L Help Center. Students must mention that they are enrolled in an eMajor course.

Available: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Toll Free 1-855-772-0423

eConnection Self-paced Student Tutorial
The eConnection orientation course is designed to help students become comfortable with the use of GoVIEW tools. Students have access to various tutorials that provide clear, concise instructions for working with GoVIEW tools as well as practice assignments.

Using GoVIEW Tools

GoVIEW offers a number of tools for navigating and successfully participating in eMajor courses. Each of these tools serves a different purpose and some of them serve multiple purposes. For example, communication tools such as Email and Discussions allow students to talk to and interact with peers and instructors. The Calendar provides students with a tool to organize and keep up with class events. Personal administration tools such as Grades allow students to track progress through the course content, as well as check grades and notes. Finally, the assessment tools, such as Quizzes, allow students to deliver assignments to the instructor for evaluation.

All GoVIEW tools are found on the course toolbar. Following is a description of each tool. Please note, not all professors use each of the tools presented below.

The Email tool facilitates communication between the student, the instructor, and classmates. Using the Email tool to send messages is just like sending email from any other email program. However, unlike an external email program, students may only send messages to other members of the course. Messages cannot be sent outside of the course.

The Calendar tool is available on each course homepage and is used to manage course events and personal tasks. It allows users to arrange and visualize course events in multiple views (Day, Week, Month, Agenda, List) and enables the integration of course content. Students will be able to view any course event that the instructor posts, such as project due dates, virtual office hours, reminders, and quiz information. Students may also add personal tasks that only the student will be able to see.

The Classlist tool allows students to see others who are enrolled in the course. It also is a convenient place to email the instructor and/or classmates, view profiles, check who is currently online, send instant messages, and see group enrollments.

The Discussion board is used to facilitate class discussion within the course. It allows users to post messages into defined topic areas as well as respond to messages posted by other users. If an instructor utilizes Discussion boards, they will typically post a discussion topic related to the course material, and students will respond by posting messages. The instructor will guide students on their expectations, as far as frequency, composition, and etiquette. The Discussion board is much like a message board in an online community, as communication does not take place in real time.

Assignments Tool
The Assignments tool provides a location to accept, submit, and receive feedback for assignments. Each assignment link provides instructions and an individual folder in which students may attach and upload assignments. Depending on the instructor's directions, students may only be able to upload document(s) during a specific time period during the semester; likewise, students may only be able to upload a single document or multiple documents for the same assignment. After an assignment has been submitted and the instructor has assessed it, instructor feedback can be reviewed by clicking the submission link. All assignments should be submitted via the Assignments tool rather than through the Email tool since the GoVIEW email system provides very little email storage.

The Locker tool is a storage area that provides a small amount of general storage. Students may use this area much like a flash or travel drive. For example, if a student is working on a document at school or home, the document may be saved to the locker; then, the document may be removed from the Locker at another location to complete the work. Files saved in the student’s personal Locker are kept private.

Self-Assessment is an assessment tool that allows instructors the opportunity to provide students with a series of questions about the material with immediate feedback. Question types can be similar to quizzes; however, responses are not graded allowing students to gauge their understanding of the course material without negative consequences being applied to their grades.

The Grades tool is a personal grade book where students can see the grades for each course activity, review instructor comments, and track overall progress in the course.

The Quizzes tool provides the opportunity to gauge understanding of course content and receive feedback from the instructor by delivering online tests based on course material. Quizzes in online courses are the same or similar to quizzes in face-to-face classes and may include multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and/or essay questions. Most instructors make quizzes available for a specific time period. The time period will vary by instructor and may range from one day to the entire semester.

Instant Messenger
The Instant Messenger tool within GoVIEW allows students to quickly talk to peers or instructors when online. It can be faster and less formal than an email; however, not all instructors choose to utilize the Instant Messenger tool. Students should check with their instructor first to see what communication method he or she prefers.

Students are able to select Help for context sensitive assistance with a given tool. For example, if a student is in the Discussions area, selecting Help will provide hints and assistance relative to the Discussions tool.

Computer Support FAQs

It is important to have your own computer. Public computers may not have all of the hardware and software that you need to access your eMajor courses.

The D2L Help Center ( is available for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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